Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

Pastel & Bright! 2014 OPI夏季最新推出的兩套LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

絶對無眼花,它們的名字是一樣的,顏色也是同一個pantone,不過由於面層效果加了工所以做出來的finishing截然不同。介紹的是2014 OPI夏季最新推出的兩套LED Color,分別是Pastel系列及Bright系列。

Bling your summer outfit up! OPI Spotlight On Glitter Collection Nail Lacquer

Along with the launching of the OPI’s Glitter off base coat, I’m sure you would fall in love with this Spotlight On Glitter Collection. Bling your summer outfit up!

OPI 2014 Muppets Most Wanted Collection LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

OPI has finally picked 4 out of 12 colors in Muppets Most Wanted Nail Lacquer for its LED GelColor Soak-off Gel Collection. Respectively below: 3 of them are sparkles, and the rest is a pearly light purple. Don’t miss on these colors if you’re looking for outstanding blings!

Pastel & Bright Shade Collection – New 2014 Summer OPI LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

The new OPI collections have the same names, same pantones with 2 different finishing effects. Pastel: soft and pastel; and Bright: brining sharp and glossy.

閃粉Gel注意! OPI萬千星輝布公仔2014 Most Wanted LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

「OPI 萬千星輝布公仔 2014 Most Wanted」都推出LED GELCOLOR Soak-off Gel了,挑選的四支顏色都是閃粉,我特別喜歡 MUPPETS WORLD TOUR 和 GAINING MOLE-MENTURN。前者銀閃作底,配有藍粉白閃,看上去十分立體;後者則像金箔,貴氣非凡。

CND Shellac 腳部護理連Gel甲優惠 (2014年6-7月)

出陽光了,一眾女士要到沙灘曬太陽,快來試以買一送一優惠享受OPI LED Gelcolor 或 CND Shellac SOAK OFF GEL腳部護理 (連修腳),跟人拍下踏著熱熱的沙那種喜悅吧!

Buy 1 Get 1 FREE for OPI Soak Off Gel for Toes Package with Pedicure and Scrub (June / July 2014 Promotion)

Get the Buy 1 Get 1 FREE offer for Soak Off Gel Nails for Toes Package with Pedicure and Scrub at Rainbow Nails in this summer!

Goodbye Glitter! OPI New Natural Nail Base Coat can help you remove glitter coats in seconds

Apply this OPI Natural Nail Base Coat before applying color lacquers, and then peel the whole the lacquer off!

Dries Instantly! OPI Pure Nail Lacquer Apps

Patterns of nail art made up of 100% Real OPI Nail Lacquer. It is thin, easy to apply, long lasting and they DRIES INSTANTLY!

OPI 萬千星輝布公仔 2014 指甲油 Muppets Most Wanted Collection
