Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[Soak-off Gel 優惠] OPI手腳護理優惠 (2014年5月)

夏天到,又是涼鞋出動的季節了,腳趾絕對不可忽略; 本月只需要 $680,手腳都可同時獲得 OPI 優質產品呵護!

[Soak-off Gel Special Offer] OPI Hand & Feet Treatment Promotion (May 2014)

Get your nails ready for the summer! Fingernails Soak Off gel + Express Pedicure with
only HK 630

紫紅魅力! OPI Gwen Stefani Collection LED GELCOLOR

OPI選中為LED Gelcolor的兩個Gwen Stefani顏色,也是你的心水嗎?

3-steps to DIY French Polish

Previously we shared how to do your own manicure and nail care. This time we will talk about making French Polish.

Nail Art 新發現! OPI 的美甲貼片 Pure Nail Lacquer Apps

是透過科技由OPI指甲油製成不同圖案的NAIL ART,誕生了新一代美甲貼片,一片薄薄貼片已包含底油、指甲油及面油,輕薄服貼,如再補上一層光面油亦可,大約可維持1至2週。

閃之Gel甲! OPI 歌舞女郎套裝 The Showgirls Collection LED Gelcolor

閃,在 OPI 的 LED GELCOLOR 中只佔非常少數,對於 nail art 愛好者來說並不方便。現在面世這個系列絶對是好消息。全套 6 款顏色,有 5 種不同的閃法 + 一支 DS (Designer Series) 系列的深灰黑色;可以配搭出形形式式的耀眼組合,趕走春天鬱悶!

Nail Art 恩物! Sheers Tints By OPI 快將推出

對於喜歡NAIL ART的朋友,這四枝 OPI NAIL POLISH 指甲油一定令你有驚喜;質地十分透薄,易上色,較容易控制,我建議使用於:漸變色、格仔、橫間直間。

The Red: OPI Over & Over A-Gwen Lacquer – 屬於 GWEN STEFANI 的鮮紅色甲油

OPI Over & Over A-Gwen is Gwen’s signature shade of red. OPI為大膽前衛的 GWEN STEFANI 設計一枝屬於她的鮮紅色甲油 “Over & Over A-Gwen”.

Perfect for Nail Art! OPI The Showgirls Collection LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

It include 5 different types of sparkles & 1 DS (Designer Series) collection color. They are perfect for simple, elegant nail art. Try them out now!


出自OPI GWEN STEFANI COLLECTION金屬指甲油,無需面油,待乾後就會像鏡面一樣。