Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

Completely New! OPI The Sophisticates Collections LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

Completely new OPI LED Gelcolors! They are not from any existing nail polish collections; come try it and bring your nails some freshness and liveliness. Including 6 light, sheer, skin tone colors.

Test your Rockability! OPI Gwen Stefani Collection Lacquer

Rock as Gwen Stefani! Actually beside the super glamourous silver “Push and Shove”, the other 5 colors are not that “rock”; and are quite suitable for all skin types.

Burgundy and Silver! OPI Gwen Stefani Collection LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

The special 2 colors chosen from OPI Gwen Stefani’s Lacquer Collection for LED GELCOLOR. A dark burgundy purple-ish red and the most silver ever Silver color! Are they your favourite too?

載譽歸來! 【萬千星輝布公仔】Muppets most wanted 指甲油2014系列即將登場

在兩年前OPI曾為迪士尼動畫電影「萬千星輝布公仔」推出一套指甲油。2014 OPI 打破傳統,前一套以紅色為主,但今次只有閃粉和百搭粉紅在這系列出現,變得清簡很多,喜歡淺色的人一定期待著它的來臨!

充滿樂與怒強烈對比的 OPI Gwen Stefani Collection 指甲油


OL度身訂造: OPI LED Gelcolor 優雅套裝 The Sophisticates Collection


OPI LED GELCOLOR & CND Shellac Soak-Off Gel Promotion (March-Aprli 2014)

Pamper your fingernails at Rainbownails! Enjoy >20% discount for 2 x OPI LED Gelcolor or CND Shellac Soak Off Gel Nails service for HK$980!

OPI 2 in 1 Nail Lacquer Gift Set with Elegant Packaging

Special set of 2 colors, all chosen from OPI latest collection. They are nicely wrapped in gift boxes.

Hot and Sexy! OPI 2014 Spring/Summer Brazil Collection Lacquers

Ready to decorate your cherished nails with some hot and sexy lacquers with the OPI Brazil Collection!

送禮自用都一流! OPI 推出多款兩枝裝禮盒裝 Gift Set

OPI 最近特別精選數款新近推出系列的甲油, 推出多款兩枝裝gift set, 顏色受歡迎仲有靚靚禮合包裝!