Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

“Like” our facebook fan page to get an OPI mini nail polish exclusive deal

3rd round of exclusive promotions of Rainbow Nails 9th Anniversary: Click “Like” to Rainbow Nails Facebook fan page and get an OPI mini nail polish exclusive deal!

Nail Party with Kids! Fulfill daughter’s birthday wish – to look like mom!

Gathering with only food and drinks probably can’t satisfy you any longer! Believe that is why recently we have got many enquiries about a Nail Party! Yes, Party + Manicure, isn’t it cool? A birthday party for a group of little girls! wanna know more?

Rainbow Nails 9週年第三驚喜! Like Facebook 送 OPI 迷你指甲油

RAINBOW NAILS 9週年優惠一浪接一浪! 在 FACEBOOK 讚好 RAINBOW NAILS 就能獲得精明小禮物 ( OPI迷你指甲油 ),頭五十名可以參加抽獎。

OPI AVOJUICE Hand Cream New Flowery Members

By OPI’s New Peony & Poppy, Violet Orchid hand cream as well as the new Mini package of 6 fragrances, you can pamper your hands and refresh your mind with different fragrances every day!

Receive (NICOLE) by OPI nail polish for free after purchasing OPI Avoplex Handcream set

Keep happy spirit for our “special 9th anniversary” with Rainbow Nails! Receive 1 (NICOLE) by OPI Nail polish for free after purchasing 1 set of “Avoplex Nail & Cuticle Oil + High-intensity Hand & Nail Cream”.

Rainbow Nails 9週年第二驚喜! 買指定 OPI 牛油果滋潤修護系列送 OPI 指甲油一枝

購買 OPI “牛油果滋潤修護系列” 的 Avoplex Nail & Cuticle Oil 和 High-intensity Hand & Nail Cream 即送一支 NICOLE by OPI 指甲油 (可自由選擇顏色)。

肥樽也瘦身! OPI 美甲產品換新裝

E..E..ER.. 以前明明是”肥仔”,估不到除了人類,產品也要瘦身!OPI已將RAPIDRY SPRAY,REMOVER,NAS99 等等‧‧‧都換了新的模樣了!

鬼火咁靚! OPI HALLOWEEN 限定套裝 Rock Goddess Mini Polish Collection

一年一度的 HALLOWEEN 又到了,OPI 推出一套 MINI POLISH “Rock Goddess” 迎接節日的來臨,有最應節的南瓜橙色,還有至妖艷的黃青灰色,讓各位都變得「鬼火咁靚」。

15 minutes to keep your feet skin soft! OPI Callus Therapy and Double Coverage

Imagine if your feet are dry and scaly, no matter what trendy colors you put on the toenails or what fashionable sandals you wear, it simply doesn’t feel right. OPI has launched a perfect product for the busy bees

Mariah Carey Holiday Specials – Liquid Sand & 18K Gold Top Coat

Besides 12 main colours in Mariah Carey Holiday Collection, there are 6 more with Liquid Sand finish. OPI also presenting you with a lacquer made of real white gold.