Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

Drunken Beauty: OPI Mariah Carey Collection for Holiday 2013

With all red wine-like reds, and champagne sparkling gold; make your nails super eye catchy during all the seasonal events and parties!

別注閃上閃! OPI 假日瑪麗嘉兒液狀砂閃粉油 x 18K白金面油

Mariah Carey Holiday 系列除12枝主色還包括了另外6支液狀砂 (Liquid Sand) 的閃粉油,更可配合全新18K金箔的面油,當真異常矜貴!

酒紅香檳金閃閃發亮! OPI 2013 假日瑪麗嘉兒秋冬甲油系列

今次的Mariah Carey秋冬系列由6種不同程度的紅和6種不同玩味的金來組成,瞥眼看來就像6支紅酒和6支香檳一樣。這系列一定可以令你的指頭在秋冬的大小派對中閃閃發亮,不能錯過!

Red Carnival – OPI Couture de Minnie Collection

It’s a set about Minnie, so red must be the theme! There are uncountable kinds of red colours, whilst this collection picked 5 out of the pantone.

支持關注乳癌!OPI Pink of Hearts 2013 愛心粉紅指甲油

OPI今年再度推出愛心粉紅指甲油 (Pink of Hearts 2013)。每套指甲油均以特別的粉紅絲帶包裝,這次還有粉紅絲帶指甲貼和水晶指甲貼附送,想不到除了扮靚,也可喚起對乳癌的關注。

[產品快報] 鑽石粉末再臨! OPI DS Designer Series 設計師指甲油系列推新色

OPI全球限量的【設計師指甲油系列】(Designer Series),加入了珍貴璀璨的鑽石粉末,使色澤隨光線折射,呈現鑽石般的透徹光澤。今年再度推出兩隻新顏色,分別是DS LAPIS和DS PEWTER。

不覊的風由三藩巿吹到波希米亞: OPI San Francisco LED Gelcolor Collection – The Bohemians


買OPI iPhone Case送指甲油! OPI My Case Couture 系列

OPI真係無微不至,繼沙灘大毛巾和背包後,購買OPI IPHONE CASE附送指甲油一支,靚靚手甲襯限量保護殼!

三藩巿系列的Gelcolor: The Bohemians by OPI 即將推出!


OPI Bond Girls Collection – with Liquid Sand Finish

All 6 pieces in OPI Liquid Sand finishing, easy to apply, perfect for summer. One colour each representing one of the classic bond girls!